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+91 73866 63005

Office - Kreata Food Specialities Private Limited

Suite 1B, Amara Jyothi, Plot no 502B,
Road no 31, Jubilee Hills,
Hyderabad – 500033

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Kreata is passionate about creating high-quality, innovative, and speciality food products that meet the evolving demands of consumers today.

Situated at the southern gateway of the country, the state-of-the-art manufacturing facility offers clients a diverse range of manufacturing services.

The team of specialists collaborates closely with clients to guarantee that each product produced meets the highest standards of quality and flavor.

Kreata distinguishes itself from competitors through its dedication to quality, customer-centric approach, and specialized knowledge, surpassing clients' expectations by delivering products that cater to their specific needs.

Kreata is dedicated to upholding the utmost levels of quality across all aspects of its operations, spanning from manufacturing processes to customer service.

Kreata's expertise in speciality food manufacturing and commitment to quality make it an ideal partner for businesses looking to create high-quality, innovative, and speciality food products.

Our Tolling services are available for outsourcing production needs, including manufacturing, packaging, and labelling products according to client specifications.

Businesses of any sizes can benefit from Kreata's adaptable manufacturing process, which enables them to produce small or large product batches according to their needs.

Corporate Office Address:

Suite 1B, Amara Jyothi Building,
Plot no 502B, Road No. 31, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana – 500033. India.

Manufacturing unit:

M3, Sanghi Spinners (I) Ltd, Sanghi Nagar, Koheda Village, Abdullapurmet Revenue Mandal, RR District, Hyderabad, Telangana – 501511 India.

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+91 73866 63005

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